Secretary’s Report

The frequency of writing the Secretary’s Report appears to be on the increase, albeit it does remain an annual cadence.  Another year over, and another set of multiple and diverse objectives met by the Society!

All said and done, this year’s highlight has been (and probably will remain in the near future) the imminent amalgamation of the three local Societies into one concerted national CFA Australia Society body.  This is an exciting, effective, and efficient initiative that is aimed at overarchingly benefitting our members.  The process has been rigorous and well debated, with multiple rounds of enhancements and discussions delved into to progress this to a status of mutual benefit for all stakeholders involved.  The Melbourne Society board has been actively involved, and has contributed many hours and valuable insights into the making of what will become a stronger brand and a more superior offering.

Needless to say, the Society’s volunteers continue to grow and achieve higher heights both in their innovative thinking of new ideas and in their devotedness to their respective functions.  I am incredibly proud and appreciative of the teams’ contributions this year, and have great confidence that the momentum will not abate in the future.

In a world where uncertainty is amongst a few factors that are certain, and where the world as we know it is changing at a fast pace, the CFA designation remains competitive and relevant for the times we are living in and for the finance industry. 

If you are thinking about achieving the designation, please reach out to the Society.  There are many helping hands who are eager to get you started on your journey.

If you are already a charter holder or a candidate, I encourage you to spread the word and live your designation everyday proud and loud!

Linda Trusler, CFA

Board Member and Secretary